Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pearls of Wisdom

One of the pleasures of working in New York is the opportunity to connect with couples from many cultures. There are many ways to incorporate different cultures in the ceremony, from including multi-lingual vow exchanges to including readings from authors from a bride or groom’s motherland. But, for a subtle nod to another homeland, consider including a short proverb or saying from that region. These sayings are available in many books and on many websites. The following is a sampling of expressions included in A World of Ways to say "I Do" by Noah Benshea and his daughter Jordan Benshea:

“It is easy to reconcile when there is love.”

                                             WELSH PROVERB

“An old love does not rust.”"
                                             RUSSIAN PROVERB

“Early marriage, long love.”

                                            GERMAN PROVERB

“Whom we love best, to them we can often say little.”

                                            ENGLISH PROVERB

“Love is shown by deeds, not by words.”

                                            PHILIPPINE PROVERB

“Love levels all inequalities.”

                                            ITALIAN PROVERB

“Love is not an Impartial Judge.”

                                            IRISH PROVERB

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