Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Written Remembrance of Vows

A traditional component of the Jewish wedding is the signing of the Ketubah, the religious document outlining the financial and legal promises associated with the new marriage contract. While this ritual is reserved for religious ceremonies,many couples are interested in performing a variation of this idea in a more secular service. The ceremonial document signing is a choice of couples from many backgrounds and is particularly popular among individuals of Latin ancestry. This ceremonial flourish generally follows the exchange of vows and rings and can provide a nice opportunity for a brief musical interlude. The signing does not use the actual marriage license, but is a commemorative, often ornate, document that will serve as a sweet keepsake of the day. The representation of signing of the marriage contract is a simple, but potent expressions of the promises just made, adding an interesting recognition of the gravity of the wedding vows.

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